Making Thread Dumps Intelligent

When you have to spend hours and hours and mostly on night, weekends and your anniversaries you ask yourself what could I have done better during development to make this all go easy on me.

Thread Dumps are you best friend when a production application (Java) crashes and if you can enable it to tell you something about the application then thats something. Here I have explained how and have included a bunch of Java Code you can reuse.

Motivated or Skilled?

It’s interesting how when we have to select a bunch of people to be on our projects we immediately latch onto the skilled ones whether or not they are motivated and the average guys are first ones to go even if they have a vested interested in our success (as they succeed along with us). […]

Just Write away…

This article is my POV and what I want to tell the readers, and not what this reviewer thinks and what he wants to get out. This is not just an “edit” on punctuations and language but on my thoughts is my biggest deterrent on writing for any other publication and I realized that those 2 articles have been sitting in draft mode for 18 months now. It just gets “uuggghhh…”

Loose Coupling

Loose coupling is a practice that very strongly compliments OO principle “Programming against Interface, and not against an Implementation”. Two components are said to be loosely coupled when then are developed as interfaces that can be used for transferring data between the two. This involves lesser risk to the fact that change in one would […]

Creating Layouts in Flex

Creating layouts in Flex should be easy, specially when you are using Flex builder and drag and drop capabilities. But, it is a little tricky than it seems and if you choose to ignore some of the finer details, I promise you will be stumped mid-way. While, I found some articles, but I still find […]

Flex Best Practices

Best Practices while developing in Flex/ActionScript 3.0 Use of Design Patterns As in any other language, use of design patterns is also recommended in Flex. Some of the most widely used and successful pattern in Flex world are: Command Pattern: As a design pattern, Command Pattern is used where objects are used to represents actions. […]