stories and artificial intelligence

Ravi Pal aside from being a dear friend is someone I respect a lot; he is a technologist who wows me every time I talk about something. I recently came to know he has been writing a blog. I managed to read only 1 post till now and the very first post is amazing. I’d to share with […]

Dare to Share – A New Culture of Collaboration in the Enterprise

The web and ever-transforming digital technology have revolutionized the concept of communication and collaboration at work. Fundamental to employee collaboration is how individuals join together to achieve a mutual goal. Collaboration is based on the idea that sharing knowledge through cooperation helps solve problems more efficiently. In the enterprise, this principle couldn’t be more true, especially as more and more employees are engaging with one another through asynchronous, socially-geared technology. Today’s #E2sday looks at the evolution of collaboration in the enterprise.